Friday 8 July 2011

TVD Season 3-Charlotte Petrova

So we all know Season 3 is know as the "Year of Originals". That makes you wonder, will we get to meet Klaus' and Elijah's family? Will Elijah come back to life?

When I think of the Originals I also think "Charlotte Petrova"
the original Petrova. Then shortly after came Katherine, Charlotte's doppelgnger, and of course... Elena, Katherine's doppelganger. However, they all seem to trace back to Charlotte. Which seems to me it can become a bigger plot that we'll hopefully get to see in Season 3.

Now what would happen if she was still alive? What will happen to Mystic Falls? What I'm curious about is, whether or not, Charlotte is good or evil. Do you think she'll arrive at Mystic Falls? If she does, will she help Elena, Damon, Alaric, etc.? Now that Stefan has had his taste of human blood and traded Damon's cure to sacrifice himself to Klaus, can we consider Stefan evil and a minion of Klaus? Who else is working with Klaus or is he working alone only with Stefan?

There seems to be so many questions that need to be answered, but we'll only find out if we watch the Season 3 premiere! Don't miss it! The Vampire Diaries, Thursday, September 15 at 8/7c. Be there to find out!

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