Friday 3 June 2011

Character Reviews - Katherine Peirce (Petrova) / Nina Dobrev

Katherine Pierce (Petrova) is a very interesting and intrigueing character to watch develop on screen. She also has many different parts to her life.

EARLY LIFE / 1864 :

Katherine "Pierce" was a beautiful attraction in the lonely town of mystic falls in 1864. She was especially appreciated by the two Salvatore brothers, Stefan & Damon.

At once, Katherine had them under her spell. Both of the Salvatore brothers were in the ranks for winning her heart; but her intentions were untruthful, and she knew the brother she wanted the day she met them. She just kept them for play toys.

"It's Stefan, its always going to be Stefan!" was the phraise she used when she finally told Damon the truth, after 160 years of waiting.

But Katherine's thoughts were not selfish at all, she really loved them both, just like her look-alike, Elena, but her heart remained deep within Stefan.


Her whole instinct and outlook on life changed when her heart was broken, and her trust was destroyed. She was betrayed by those she loved, and she hardened after that. But deep down there, somewhere is the same Katherine that still loves and longs for Stefan.

People call Katherine selfish, and just a royal B****. But i for one have the utmost respect for her.
She may think only of herself most of the time, but she survives in the vampire world, and thats all that matters.

She is impulsive, radiant and selfish; yes we all know that. But the point being is that she is probably the smartest vampire in the show because she knows how to hide, how to run, how to kill but most importantly, how to live a life of a vampire.

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