Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Vampire Diaries ... Best Couples?

There are many TVD Couples that we LOVE! But who are the best for sure? There are the obvious couples that are made for each other.... That would be : 

Stefan & Elena
From the moment that they met, Stefan and Elena had an instant connection that neither love or death could change. Stefan is thought to be the "Good and Boring" Brother, but is that all he really is? He not only cares for Elena, but he cares and has grown to love her friends, her family and most importantly even his own brother. Stefan would rather die then do anything to hurt Elena, their love will be everlasting. 

Caroline & Tyler 

The thing that makes this couple so HOT, is that they are complete opposites and their love is even a little forbidden because of Caroline being a vampire and Tyler being a werewolf. I think thats what makes their love and their chemistry so intriguing and sexy to watch develop. Bottom line is that Tyler would never hurt Caroline and she would never hurt him, she cares to much about him as a person, not a wolf. 

Ok guys, thats it for now, i will be posting 2 more pairs for the "TVD Best Couples" posts that i will be doing... Who will the next ones be?

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